We at MegaReach never count the projects we contributed to. It seems unnecessary and complicated, as so many projects are running concurrently and the boundaries are often blurred. Besides, listing them may lend to some form of categorisation and then…even prioritisation. That would entirely defeat the spirit of MegaReach, as every project and every participant is simply precious to us. Suffice to say this website only describes an entirely opportunistic sample of what we are, and have been, up to.
It would however, be equally incorrect, if we were to completely ignore one initiative that simply stands out, not because of its scale, but because of the sheer number of mini-projects it gave birth to. Its impact, in making real differences to very many real people, continues to manifest to this day. If any one single activity deserves special mention, it is indeed our original Sri Lankan tour of July/August 2015.
It was undertaken by ten most enterprising individuals, who shall always occupy a hallowed place in our hall of fame. They are listed below. We have decided to preserve the pages below, which outline what they set out to do. They achieved each and every one of the objectives they set for themselves. If there was any deviation from those plans, they were only improvements on the original goals. Besides, they achieved so much more. Please peruse the pages below to gain a feeling of their ambition… and take note…they proved that age old saying: where there is a will, there is a way! We can only be motivated by them.
The members of the touring party, and their respective stations in August 2015, are as follows:
Jennifer ANSETT – completed 3rd year medicine – Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry
Jessica KENNETT - completed 2nd year medicine – Plymouth University, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Jacob KING - completed 3rd year medicine – Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry
Charles MARKHAM - completed 1st year medicine – Plymouth University, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Kirushthiga NAGULESWARAN - completed 2nd year medicine – Plymouth University, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Tabitha NEMINATHAN - completed 1st year medicine – Plymouth University, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Santiago ROLON – completed premedical degree at University of Notre Dame, USA
Dylan TAN - completed 2nd year medicine – Plymouth University, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Shin Yin TAN - completed 2nd year medicine – Plymouth University, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
Raashmi VARADARASSOU - completed 1st year medicine – Plymouth University, Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry